Orifice Plates & Flanged Unions
The PFS-OP orifice plate in line sizes from ½” and above is one of the most common differential producer type flow elements for the measurement of clean liquids, gasses and low-velocity vapour (steam) flow. Of the many design varieties described in technical manuals, codes and standards, the most prevalent configuration in the United States of America is the square-edged concentric paddle type orifice plate in combination with flange tapped carriers.
This design offers the optimum flexibility for applications with many diverse existing piping schemes as well as considerable economies available in terms of capital investment associated with the initial purchase of equipment.
The design provides the means for relatively easy replacement of the orifice plate when necessitated b changes in the nominal flow rates in a given application installation or as might be required due to deterioration of accuracy performance of the installation. The operation of the flow element is based upon the Bernoulli principle and relies upon the comparison of the pressure upstream and downstream (differential pressure) of the constriction represented by the orifice plate bore to infer the rate of flow of the line fluid through the bore diameter.